Tuesday, June 07, 2011
The Suezenne Fordham Chamber Jazz:We just added the final concert for the 2010-2011 season for July 27th st 630PM at the Donald Wright Auditorium, 285 East Walnut inside the Pasadena Main Library, in itself is a gorgeous Historic Pasadena Building. The venue is Hip, Elegant and informal... Arts and Crafts Style. Admission is free , and the music emphazises virtuosity and lush improvisations.
We are in our 7th year of preaenting concerts to the Public and to carry on the tradition of the Suezenne Fordham Chamber Jazz Genre.[Fifth Stream] Look forward to seeing you!
Suezenne Fordham, Steinway "D" Concert Grand
Nate Light, Contrabass
Jake Jamieson, Drums and Percussion
ROCHELLE COATNEY, Latin and Global Percussion
We are in our 7th year of preaenting concerts to the Public and to carry on the tradition of the Suezenne Fordham Chamber Jazz Genre.[Fifth Stream] Look forward to seeing you!
Suezenne Fordham, Steinway "D" Concert Grand
Nate Light, Contrabass
Jake Jamieson, Drums and Percussion
ROCHELLE COATNEY, Latin and Global Percussion
Another Concert added;
ReplyDeleteSuezenne Fordham Chamber JazzLA
Wednesday, July 27th 2011
Same venue and time lisred above
Suezenne Ffordham, Steinwy "D" concert Grand, Gu Zheng
Nathan Light, Contrabass
Miles Senaki, Drum snd Percussion
Rochelle Coatney, Global Percussion
The caliber if the last three concerts is really incredible, the syncronicity, the feelings between us is very moving... I can't wait for the next concert... I am so sorry that a pervious friend has chosen not to attend our performances... really such a loss to me and him.
ReplyDeleteExpecting to quote more Bach in future concerts !!! We're actually working on the Goldberg Variations! The opening theme is liguid gold in it's simplicity... Really stunning...
ReplyDeleteAm also rediscovering the 5 movement Bach d minor Toccata[NO NOT THAT ONE] .. The first Fugue [ 2nd Mvt]in that composition is incredibly complex, full of great little surprises, inversions,, Retro statements of the Theme, Amazing stuff!
Too bad I didn't really take these things seriously at the Juilliard!
Looking for the ultimate authority on mordents!!!You'd think the Urtext-Henle Edition would throw out a clue or two... but NO!!! Not to be that helpful!
MMe Wanda Landowska was the supreme queen of Bach and the Harpsichord, and Roselyn Tureck was a wanna be contender and they
Mme Landowska and Tureck were having lunch one day at the Russian Tearoom and one of Mme Landowska's students was also having lunch within hearing distance, and Tureck said "My Mordents are really the ultimate in improvisation in Bach's works"...
Landowska icily peering down her beautiful aquiline nose countered with "Yes, Roselyn, but I play Bach as Bach played his music. as he WROTE it, as he intended" K that shut up the great pretender Roselyn Tureck!]
MMe Landowska at that time was in the throes of recording "her last will and testament, the entire "Well Tempered Clavichord" of Bach for RCA Victor... She was so esteemed by RCA that they set up a recording studio at her home in the country in Connecticut. She was very wary of actually finishing those recordings and jokingly referred to them as "My last will and testament" Very soon after she completed those recordings she was diagnosed with a very fast growing cancer and died within months.
ReplyDeleteWWII was happening and the head of RCA wanted to appear patriotic, and called a huge press conference bragging that RCA was going to donate ALL their metal master of ALL their great Artist's recordings to the war drive. the amount of metal in all of those recordings was a pittance, but RCA got tremendous publicity for that atrocity.
And that, Darling readers is the reason that all of these generations have not has reissuances of Mme Landowska's immortal recordings of "Das Wohltemperiertes Klavier" the 48 Preludes and Fugues by JS Bach!!! And now you know "the rest of the story" %%\^_^/&&&
Great hearing from Nate, my superb really serious new bassist... I have been setting our next rehersal at the Donald Wright Auditorium in Pasadena... I have some very new ideas for him and he is very will ig to experiment! Like do the Beethoven third PC as a Sonata! ... And doing the Adagio od Barber [sob] very bass heave with cello sounds, which he is very capable of! Other things like a bass transcription of the concerto de Aranguez for guitar... also a bass transcription of the Chopin "cello " Etude written for piano as part of the Opus 25 Etudes... really will be stunning, and pf course I am nailint the "Goldberg Variations " Devilishly tricky... Wondering what ideas he will have on that one!
ReplyDeleteIn a way I am thankful for my time with Franco who started to turn me back onto Bach! He was-is [I guess he still is] a Baroque nut, as well as being a real life nut, shall we say? But not to bother myself with that any more... As Lermentov said in the splendid movie "The Red Shoes" ...."Nussing matters but zeeee Mewzeeeeek! " as Moira Shear was freaking out from stagefright! What a line! !!! KissKiss suezenne
"a musica è respiro. La musica è cibo. La musica è sesso. La musica è parola. La musica è libertà.La musica è vita.
ReplyDeleteSenza musica non c'è esistenza, in fondo la vita nasce da elementi che si incontrano e si scontrano,dunque la vita nasce dalla musica e origina musica."( Burroughs William S. [)Pietro Malvesu
]Trento, Italy